Postponed Tasks: Defer work items for later

If your board has become a bit overwhelming, cluttered with tasks that you can’t tackle just yet, then Postponed Tasks can help you restore order!

Simply choose to postpone a task until the evening, next day, next week, or a specific date and time. When the set time arrives, your task card will reappear in the column where it was originally located.

Postpone a Task

Don’t worry, you will be able to keep track of all your postponed tasks with the convenient Postponed Tasks widget, displayed in the side panel alongside other widgets like the Calendar, Recurring Tasks, Team Activity, and My Work.

Postponed Tasks Widget

You can also edit the schedule for postponed items, or bring a deferred task back to the board before the scheduled time. Need to make changes to a postponed task? No problem - simply open the card from the widget and make your edits.

Say goodbye to a cluttered board and hello to effortless task management!