Kanban card

Practical tips for customizing, describing, and filtering Kanban Tool task cards. Learn how to assign tasks to team members, organize and visualize complex tasks, link related items, and resolve common card management challenges.

How to customize the Kanban card template?

Want to tailor your Kanban cards to fit your workflow? It’s easy! Just head to your board’s Settings to adjust the Card Template. The board's Settings page

  • Pick your fields
    Choose from a variety of default and custom fields to display the information that matters most.
  • Save your changes
    Once you’ve selected the fields, simply save your settings, and your cards will update automatically.
The Card Template Settings

Editing the Default template sets the base layout for all your cards. You can also create specialized templates for specific card types (colors) to keep things organized.

Keep in mind: Specific character limits apply to all fields.

What information can appear on a Kanban card front?

Your Kanban cards can display a wealth of details! By updating a card’s specific data fields, you can unlock specific information in the closed task view. Depending on what you’ve added to individual cards, and which fields are enabled in your card template, you may see some or all of the following:

  • Task ID – Keep track of your tasks with unique identifiers
    On-card info: Task ID
  • Priority – Instantly recognize high-priority items
    On-card info: Priority
  • Comments – Hover to see the comment count at a glance
    On-card info: Comments
  • Tags – Hover to view applied tags for quick categorization
    On-card info: Tags
  • External link – Preview links with a hover or click to access them directly
    On-card info: External links
  • Due date – Hover to see the full due date
    On-card info: Due date
  • Due date countdown – Displays the days remaining (for tasks due within 9 days)
    On-card info: Due date countdown
  • Difficulty points – Customizable and optional, with values based on your Card Template settings
    On-card info: Difficulty
  • Checklist progress – Track to-do list completion at a glance
    On-card info: Checklist
  • Dependencies – View the status of dependent tasks completion
    On-card info: Dependencies
  • Assignment – Hover to see the assignee’s full name
    On-card info: Assignment

Want your cards to pack even more information? Enable the Card Icons power-up to display extra on-card indicators.

Kanban Tool Card Icons to choose from

Need further customization? The Task Summary power-up lets you project any card data—custom fields included—onto the card front, so you can tailor your workflow exactly how you need it.

Task Summary Power-Up

With these options, your Kanban board works the way you do!

How to move Kanban cards?

The easiest way to move a card? Drag and drop! Simply click, hold, and move the card, or cards, to the new spot—quick and intuitive.

Drag and drop selected tasks elsewhere

Need more options? Try these:

  • Right-click & move
    Use the card’s dropdown menu by right-clicking and selecting Move.
Move a card with the context menu Move option
  • Move multiple cards at once
    Hold CTRL and click to select multiple cards, then right-click to move them all in one go.
Move selected cards
  • Move all cards in a column
    Right-click an empty space in a column and choose Move all to shift all the cards at once.
Move all tasks in a column by right-clicking the column header

These options give you the flexibility to organize your board exactly how you want—fast and hassle-free!

Can I see the full due date on a closed card?

By default, cards display the number of days left until their due date. But to see the exact date, just hover over the calendar icon on the card.

Due date countdown and preview

Want the full due date to be visible at a glance on all cards with the due date set? Enable the Task Summary power-up from the board settings, and set it up to show due dates:

Due date with Task Summary

If you don’t see a due date field on your cards, head to Settings → Card Template and turn it on. Keep in mind that board settings are only accessible to project managers or board owners.

What does it mean to block a task?

Blocking a task means marking it as temporarily unworkable due to an issue preventing progress. The Card Blocking feature helps visualize this by “freezing” the card until the problem is resolved.

Kanban Tool Card Blocking Feature

Blocked tasks can’t be moved using the standard drag-and-drop action, making it clear that work is on hold. To use this feature, just enable the Card Blocking power-up.

Can I create a customizable priority field?

Yes! You can set up a custom priority selector using one of the 15 available custom fields.

A Custom Kanban Tool Priority Field

How to customize your priority field:

  • Go to Settings → Card Template
  • Enable a custom field and rename it (e.g., Priority Level)
  • Choose Dropdown with options as the field type
  • Enter your preferred priority values, separating them with semicolons
    (e.g., Ultra; Mega; High; Normal; Low )
Kanban Card Custom Priority Field

Adding visual priority indicators

While a custom priority field won’t generate the standard priority arrows on card fronts, you can use the Card Icons power-up to assign icons to each priority level.

For example, if you named your custom field Priority level, you may configure Card Icons to visually represent each level, like this:

Custom Card Icons setup for the custom priority field

Important note: Avoid naming your custom field simply Priority, as this will interfere with the custom icons setup.

And here’s how your custom priority icons will look on the cards:

Custom icons visible on tasks with custom priority values

How can I link cards together?

There are several ways to connect cards for better workflow visibility and navigation:

Attach one task to another

Make a task card an attachment to another for quick access. Attached tasks open on top of the linking ones for easy navigation. Just go to Attachments and select Link to a task.

Link cards as attachments

Use the Task Dependencies power-up

For complex projects, the Task Dependencies power-up helps break down large tasks into smaller pieces and visually organize their relationships.

Link cards as dependencies

Apply the same tag to multiple cards to group them together. You can then filter by that tag to instantly find all linked tasks.

Link cards with tags

Mention tasks in comments or checklists

Need to reference a task across different boards? Type # in a comment or checklist item to open the global search and link directly to any task you have access to.

Link cards with task search in comments
Link cards with task search in checklist

Every card has a unique web address. Copy the URL from your browser and paste it into another card’s description, external link field, or a custom field to create a direct connection.

Link cards with URLs

Can I assign a task to multiple users?

No, a task can only be assigned to one user at a time. However, there are several ways to share work effectively:

Use checklists for subtasks

Break tasks into smaller checklist items and assign them to different team members.
Each person will receive an email notification when assigned a checklist item, just like with full task assignments.

Multiple user assignment via checklist

Easily find your assigned work

Users can search across all boards for their tasks and checklist items. Just type your initials after @, e.g. @XY, into the search bar to see everything assigned to you.

Search all boards for tasks assigned to a given user

Use task dependencies for complex workflows

If a work element involves multiple people, consider using the Task Dependencies power-up to create a structured hierarchy where different team members are assigned to each related task.

Multiple user assignments via dependencies

This way, teamwork stays seamless while keeping assignments clear!

Can I create subtasks?

Absolutely! You can break down your tasks by adding subtasks as checklist items within your cards.

From an open task view, simply click + Add checklist at the top to start adding items.

Create subtasks

Each checklist item can be assigned to a team member, who will receive email notifications—just like with regular task assignments.

Assign subtasks to users

Need more control? Just hover over a checklist item to assign it, edit, delete, or rearrange it.

Editing a subtask

Want to go even further? You can create nested checklists for more structure. When a checklist item has its own sublist, it transforms into a list heading with a distinct look. Once all sub-items are completed, the heading will automatically mark as done.

Adding nested subtasks

For quick references, type # to open the global search and link related tasks.

Searching for tasks to reference in a checklist

Looking for a different approach to connecting tasks? Try Task Dependencies to build a structured workflow with linked tasks.

Can I create a custom template for different card colors?

Yes! You can assign custom card templates to specific card colors, allowing for tailored layouts based on card type.

When switching to a particular card type—below the default template under Settings → Card Template—you can rearrange or remove fields to match its unique needs. This makes it easy to ensure different job types capture the right information in the right order.

Customize card template by card color

Keep in mind that the default template serves as your baseline. Any field you want available in a specific card type must first be enabled in the default template. From there, you can remove unnecessary fields for certain card types.

The images below show different card templates in use on the same board simultaneously!

Customize card template - example A Customize card template - example B

Do you provide card-specific stats (lead time, cycle time, work time, wait time)?

Yes! You can track card-specific stats through the Lead & Cycle Time diagram, which provides key details such as start time, end time, and cycle time for each task.

The lead and cycle time diagram details

You can display tasks’ lead time through the Task Summary power-up.

Lead time from Task Summary

The time log—accessible from the task itself—records how much time different team members have spent working on a task.

The time log on a task

You can also view work time entries in the Summary View of the Time Report, where you can group entries by task and user for a clearer breakdown.

The summary time report

Note: The time log and Time Report features are available exclusively on the Enterprise plan.

Why is there a question mark instead of my task size?

Tasks with question marks in place of a numerical Task Difficulty value

This can happen for one of two reasons:

  • You’ve kept the default difficulty levels, and selected unknown difficulty for the task
    Task Difficulty - default options
  • You’ve set up custom difficulty levels, but entered values that lack a number,
    e.g. easy, regular, hard.
    Task Difficulty options lacking numbers
    While you can add text descriptions to your Task Difficulty levels in the drop-down menu, only the numerical values will appear on the card fronts.
    Make sure your Task Difficulty levels include a numerical value besides a description:
    Task Difficulty text options with numbers

How to add web links to Kanban cards?

For the easiest access to web links, we recommend using the External Link field, or a custom field with the web link type.

You can also add links directly to the card description field—they’ll be automatically recognized and highlighted. To open one, simply click on it and select the first available icon, Open Link.

Another option is the Web Attachments power-up, which lets you hide links under one-click buttons, saving card space and reducing visual clutter.

Want to add a link to the board instead of an individual card? Try the Pinboard power-up!

How can I make the due date more prominent on my card?

Task Summary

The simplest approach is to display full due dates directly on card fronts with the Task Summary power-up.
To enable this:

  • Go to Settings → Power-Ups → Task Summary.
  • Select the due date to show on closed cards.
Showing due dates on closed cards

Increase the font size

Another way to make the due date more visible is by increasing the card’s font size.
There are two ways to do that:

  1. Use the built-in zoom at Settings → Board Background to scale up all board view elements.
  2. Manually increase the font size alone:
    • Go to Settings → Power-Ups → Developer Tools.
    • Click the blue link to scripts on GitHub.
    • Navigate to the Large Font script, copy its link, and paste it into the Developer Tools dialogue box.
    • Paste the link to the slot titled Enter links to the selected scripts: and save the changes.

How to use due dates in Kanban Tool?

To enable due dates on your Kanban cards:

  • Go to Settings → Card Template from your board view. The settings link on a board
  • Ensure the due date field is selected.

Once enabled, the due date will be visible on task cards and can be edited directly.

Viewing due dates:

  • Inside the card:
The due date field inside a task card
  • On card fronts: Hover over the calendar icon to see the due date.
Due date indicator on card front
  • Countdown mode: When 9 or fewer days remain, the number of days left will appear next to the calendar icon.
A due date countdown
  • Overdue tasks: If the due date passes, a bold 0 or - # days will appear, making it clear at a glance.
An indicator of an overdue date

You can also track due dates in the Calendar Widget, enabled via Settings → Power-Ups.

The Calendar Widget power-up

Tip: Need to track when a task starts? Enable the start date field to accompany your due dates and together make up a timeline view.

The large calendar widget - a timeline view

Tip: Want to make the due date display more noticeable on your cards? You’re welcome to!

How does the Estimated Time field work?

The Estimated Time field helps you set a time estimate for completing a task.
If you’re on the Enterprise service plan, you’ll also get a visual comparison of your estimate vs. actual tracked time.

How to enable & use it

  • Go to Settings → Card Template and activate the Estimated Time field.
  • Your cards will now include a field where you can enter estimated task duration.

Time estimate formatting examples

  • 6 → 6 hours
  • ,5 → 30 minutes
  • :25 → 25 minutes
Adding the estimated time to a card

Visual estimates tracking

  • Within the estimate:
    A pale green progress bar appears at the bottom of the card, showing that the recorder working time is still within the estimated value. Time tracked fits within the estimate
  • Exceeding the estimate:
    If you go over, the progress bar turns red, making it clear how much extra time passed. Time tracked exceeds the estimate
  • After completion:
    The progress bar remains as a record of whether the task was finished within or beyond the estimated time.

This feature helps you track efficiency and manage workloads more effectively!

How to make comments in Kanban Tool?

To make your team communication as efficient as possible, we recommend using built-in task comments. They save you from explaining which card you’re referring to and will significantly cut down the time needed to exchange information. Task comments also make part of the record of your process for future reference.

To add a comment to your card, please click the red chat icon in the bottom right corner of the open task view. Kanban Tool Card Comments Icon

In there, you can enter text, paste a file, and address who should be notified about it. To send the comment to a team member, click the area below the comment text editor and select a user from the list. Alternatively, you can type @Name, @Surname, @NS, or @group directly inside the comment. The person you point to here to will receive an email with this comment containing a link to the card. Notify someone about a comment

The comment’s recipient can reply either from the board, or via email - directly from their inbox.

Calling out team members with an @ will also work when replying to a comment from an email inbox. Just include the recipient’s name, surname, initials, or a group name preceded by an @ - the comment will be emailed to the indicated Kanban Tool team member or members. Call out a user for a comment notification in an email comment reply

When you put attachments into comments, they will also be sent with the notification email. You can also include attachments to an email replying to a Kanban Tool comment notification.
Furthermore, you can attach tasks to comments to reference other related work. Just click the paperclip icon.

It’s also possible to reference other tasks inside the comment message - just type # to find a specific card to mention. Once the comment is made, the reference will be shown as a direct link to the task in question: Adding a task reference in a Kanban Tool task comment

The comments side panel also displays the card history. Task changes and comments are shown in chronological order. Comments Side Panel

You may also want to try out the Comment Reactions power-up, allowing the team to react to messages with expressive emojis, rather than having to type responses:

Kanban Tool Comment Reactions power-up

How to enlarge fonts on cards?

The simplest way to make the card fronts text larger is to use the board zoom, which is a part of the Board Background setting.

It’s also possible to give closed card fonts an even larger size. Go to the board Settings - Power-Ups - Developer Tools and add the Large Font Script to one of the empty slots of your Developer Tools. You can find out more about Developer Tools here.

How to edit a card description in full screen?

To enable the full-screen mode for the card description, please focus your mouse cursor on the description field, as if you wanted to start typing in it. You will see a stretch arrow in the top corner of the description field, which activates the full-screen view. To get back to the regular view, just hit the ESC button. Full screen description editing You can also use keyboard shortcuts within the task description field, please see them here.

How to print a task card?

To save an image of your card, open the task and choose Save as image from the context menu.
The image will be saved to your browser’s default download folder.
From there on, you can print the image using your operating system settings or any graphics program. How to print a task card

Card description field - keyboard shortcuts

For extra speed, instead of using the built-in text formatting icons, you’re welcome to use the following shortcuts within the description field of a card:

  • CTRL + b bold
  • CTRL + s strike-through
  • CTRL + i italics
  • CTRL + k hyperlink
  • CTRL + u underline
  • CTRL + p image insert
  • CTRL + a select all
  • CTRL + x cut out
  • CTRL + v paste
  • CTRL + z undo last action.

How to recover a deleted task?

For completed work, we recommend archiving tasks, as this builds the grounds for your account Analytics, and leaves you with a record of what work you’ve done. The delete option should be reserved for tasks created by mistake or about doing which you’ve changed your mind.

If you have mistakenly deleted or archived a task and realize this right away, you can undo the action with the CTRL + Z key combination.

And if you didn’t realize the deletion was a mistake at the time, you will still be able to recover the task for as long as it is in our database.
Only user who has deleted the task or users with an account admin or owner role can restore deleted tasks. They also need to ensure they have active access to the boards from which tasks have been deleted.

To restore tasks, a person who deleted the task, account owner, or account administrator needs to open the search window from any board and type in:
deleted_at:? - to see all deleted tasks available for recovery or, for example:
deleted_at:<2018-06-14 - to see all tasks deleted up until a given date.
deleted_at:>8.hours - to see all tasks deleted within a set amount of time. How to recover a deleted task

All that needs to be done now is to use the Restore button.
Please note, you may need to reload the page for a recovered task to display all comments and attachments. How to recover a deleted task - restore button

Card color change

To change a task’s color, right-click on it and use the Change type option from the dropdown menu. Card color change - Edit

If you’d like to add more, or other card colors to the available selection, you can. 22 colors are supported. To add a new card color, please go to Settings - Card types and click the + Add custom card type button. Then enter the card type’s name, select a color and click Add new button. Card color change

Can I see full date and time in comments and history?

Yes. While it’s not possible to automatically show events’ full dates in the comments and history side panel, please note, that if you hover the mouse pointer over the x time ago text, the full date and time will be displayed. Can I see full date and time in comments and history?

How to use tags?

To use tags, first make sure you have them enabled on your Card Template, in board settings.

When you open a card, there will be a Tags field on it. Just type in a tag, hit Enter and exit the card - changes are saved automatically. Adding tags

A tag that was added to at least one card on the board will become listed in other cards’ Tags dropdown. So, you only need to type the tag contents when it’s not yet present on other cards. Selecting tags

Tags offer a great way to quickly identify tasks by board filtering. You can either type the tag content itself, or preface it with tags: for more accurate results. Complete information about the supported filters & search syntax is available here. Tag filtering

To remove a tag from a card, simply click the small x on it. Removing tags

Can I show task ID on closed cards?

Yes - to make this possible, go to board Settings - Card Template and enable the External ID field. Can I show task ID on closed cards?

You can select a few additional options:

  • for the ID to be visible on fronts of cards or not,
  • to have the ID editable or not,
  • for it to be generated automatically for each new task or not,
  • and for the numbers to be sequential (to start from “1”) or not, in which case the ID will be a random multiple digit number, the same in fact as a task’s internal ID - as seen in an open task’s URL.

Another way to show the ID - or any other information from within the card - in closed card view, is to use the Task Summary power-up. You’ve got full control over what data your cards are showing.

Can I use Markdown to edit text?

Elements of the Markdown language are supported in Kanban Tool comments and in the Board Readme power-up.

Please use the following to make these text areas easier to read:

  • To give text a bold font:
    *bold text*
  • To give text an italicized font:
    _italicized text_
    The two above can also be used in checklist items.
  • To add a link under an anchor text:
  • To add an image:
  • To format a list of items:
    * First item
    * Second item

Can I define data format of a custom field?

You can set a format specifier for custom card fields that require a set format of data, like a time-stamp or a zipcode. Doing so will speed up typing and unify the way your team members enter data into that field.

You can define the format in any way you like and use the following placeholder characters:

  • 0 as a placeholder for any digit
  • a as a placeholder for any letter
  • * as a placeholder for any character

So if you have a custom field for tracking the order number, and the order number always starts with ORD, followed by three digits, and ends with Z, you can use the following format specifier for that: ORD000Z

Optional values should be enclosed in square brackets. For example, [0]aa defines a format for fields that start with an optional digit followed by two letters.

Predefined values that should be automatically added to the input should be enclosed in curly brackets. For example, with a format specifier like {+1} 000, once you begin typing in a number, a +1 text will be automatically prepended to the field.

If there is a placeholder character you want to display in the custom field, prepend it with ` in your format definition.

Common examples of format specifiers include:

  • a phone number: +{1}(000)000-0000
  • time value: 00:00
  • zip code: 00000
  • deal value: $00000.00
  • time-stamp: 00:00:00:00
  • order number [AAA]000-000

Below is an example of a custom phone number and deal value data format. When a team member proceeds to add this information for this specific task, they will be able to do so using the format suggested automatically by the placeholder text, preventing them from having to type any repetitive characters on each of the cards.

Custom data format placeholders

Custom data format settings

How to mention other tasks in the comments?

Typing # in the comment window opens the global search, allowing you to find tasks across all the boards you use. You can search by task names, due dates, last update times, and much more - please take a look at the complete search syntax guide.

A task reference like this will be highlighted as a link, simplifying the team’s access to the related task details.

Adding a task reference in a Kanban Tool task comment

How to get a visual on a task's location?

In the narrow bar just below the task title, each task names the column and swimlane that it’s currently in. When viewing tasks from a project board other than the one you’re on, the board name will also be included:

Information on the board, column and swimlane that the task is currently on

But if you’ve come across a Kanban card on a tasks list, e.g., in My Work or in search results and want to get a visual on exactly where that task sits, you can. To locate a task’s exact position on its current board, use the target icon, accessible from the open task view. Clicking it will take you directly to the task, while applying focus on the card’s on-board position:

Using the target icon to precisely locate a task

How to use the start date field?

Kanban Tool cards have always supported due dates to show when tasks are to be finished, and many existing features are aiding that field’s operation on the boards, e.g., the due date countdown, the Calendar Widget, Due Date Reminder email, or Task Reminders power-up.

The idea behind the separate start date field is to indicate when work on the specific task should begin, not end. Using both a start and due date on cards should make for more efficient planning and allow you to achieve higher workflow clarity, letting you tell what matters the most and when.

A Kanban Tool task card with a start date and a due date

Furthermore, when you set both a start date and a due date on a card, a helpful timeline view unfolds in the large interactive calendar, showcasing the entire planned duration of your task:

Timeline view between a task start and due date

You can also take advantage of the start date-related board filters to speed up important task identification! Start date-related board filters

Enable the start date field in your board Settings - Card Template for even easier tasks’ timeline planning.

What types of custom fields are available?

Get ready for customization galore! Kanban Tool cards aren’t just about the basics - they come with a bunch of default fields like type, due dates, attachments, and more. But here’s where the cool factor kicks in - you can add up to 15 fields of your own creation.

The currently supported variety includes:

  • Text field
  • Web link
  • Number
  • Dropdown with options
  • Multiple choice grid
  • Date
  • User list
  • Progress indicator
  • E-mail address
  • Votes
  • Rating
  • Address

Note that each of the in-card fields supports a limited number of characters.

Mix and match these fields on your card template to create the ultimate setup tailored to your project’s exact needs. Plus, each of your boards can use a completely different card template, truly allowing for building workspaces that match your unique projects use cases.

Furthermore, you can pick and choose which fields appear on specific card types (colors), giving you the power to customize the in-card details based on the nature of the task.

And for the ultimate efficiency hack, you can decide which data fields show on closed card fronts. That means quicker info digestion for you and the team.

Rock your Kanban game with probably the most personalized card templates around!

What are the character limits for each field?

Each data field in your Kanban Tool cards has a set character limit to ensure optimal performance and data integrity. Here’s a summary of the maximum number of characters allowed in each type of field:

type format comments char limit
name text   250
stage (column) text as defined at Settings - Board Editor 256
swimlane (row) text as defined at Settings - Board Editor 256
checklist text e.g., item 1; item2; item 3; 1000
description text   59600
external link text/URL   1024
card type text as defined at Settings - Card Types 255
priority 1, 0, -1 1 high, 0 normal, -1 low 2
start date YYYY-MM-DD   10
due date YYYY-MM-DD   10
assigned to Name Surname as defined on your People page 255
external ID number   256
estimated time number of hrs e.g., 2 (two hrs), or 2:30 (two hrs 30 min) 6
difficulty number as defined at Settings - Card Template 250
tags text   256
custom field text as defined at Settings - Card Template 6500
custom field non-text as defined at Settings - Card Template 256
ID* number refers to the native ID of existing tasks;
*only to be used for updating existing cards

Please honor these limits when filling out your task cards - exceeding them will result with failure to save the card changes.