How to integrate Kanban Tool with Google Sheets?

A Kanban board view is fantastic for reading task status and priorities. But if you’re looking to review items in a spreadsheet format and update several tasks at once, that’s also possible.

You can either work with direct board exports to Excel/CSV or integrate with Google Sheets.

To move data from a Google Sheet to your Kanban Tool board - or the other way round - please follow these steps:

  • In Google Sheets, open the sidebar and click the plus “Get add-ons” icon
    Add Kanban Tool to Google Sheets
  • Find Kanban Tool and connect it to your Google account
    Enable the Kanban Tool Add-on
  • Type in your Kanban Tool account name and your API key
    Log in to Kanban Tool with API token
  • Lastly, choose which of your boards you want to work with and what data fields you need listed, and click the “Import from Kanban Tool” button
    Select Kanban Tool board and task data to import

For as long as the task ID field is present in your Google Sheets data, any changes you make to the tasks - e.g., the name, description, column or swimlane location, etc. - will overwrite the existing information when you export it back to Kanban Tool.

You can also use the integration to create new tasks. First, fill the spreadsheet with task names and any other information you want to bring to Kanban Tool and hit export. In this case, specifying the task ID is unnecessary. Please maintain the one task per row format and specify the data field types in the first row:
Create Kanban Tool tasks from Google Sheets Then just click “Export to Kanban Tool”. If you don’t set a column and swimlane for items to be added into, tasks will be created at the bottom of the topmost swimlane and leftmost column.