When do I get email notifications about task or project status change?
There are three main events causing an email notification:
- When someone assigns a person to a task
- When someone assigns a person to a checklist item
- When someone adds a comment to a task and selects a person who should be notified about it.
You can choose not to be notified about task assignments if you want to. To do this, please go to My Profile - Edit my details and uncheck next to the Notify me by email when tasks are assigned to me. The My profile section is available under your name in the Dashboard view.
Optional emails
- Kanban Tool also offers a Work Summary email - sent to you at the end of each day. Learn how to set its arrival time or disable Work Summary emails here.
- You may also benefit from getting our Due Date Reminder email - sent either in the morning of the due dates, or at the end of the day, giving you a glimpse of work due tomorrow. Feel free to read more about how to set due date reminders.
- We also support custom, ahead of time, due date notifications, created with the Task Reminders power-up.
- Finally, there is a possibility of setting fully custom email notifications - based on specified board or card events. Please see how to do this via process automation.
If you’d like to be informed about status changes of all tasks on a board, consider subscribing to RSS.