Shorter Swimlanes: Decrease default swimlane height

The regular, minimum height of swimlanes is 3-cards tall. If your board has many swimlanes making it very tall, or if you want to compress the board height for any other reason - you can, using the Shorter swimlanes script.

There are two options to choose from:

  • /scripts/shorter-swimlanes/shorter-empty-swimlanes.css
    This script will change the height of empty swimlanes, while adjusting all other lanes to the number of cards that are in them. Shorter swimlanes - flexible
  • /scripts/shorter-swimlanes/shorter-swimlanes.css
    This one will shorten all swimlanes of the board, and make them scrollable.
    Please note, this variant of the script is only supported in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. Shorter swimlanes - fixed