My Profile: How to change my user settings?

The My Profile page lets you change the email address associated with your user account and enable or disable Kanban Tool’s daily emails such as Work Summary, Due Dates reminder, or notifications about new task & checklist item assignments.

To access it, go to the dashboard:

Access the dashboard

Then, click on your name in the top-right corner, and choose My Profile:

Showing the My Profile page available under the username in the dashboard

To change the email address, or username, you first need to click the lock icon, enter your current password, and then provide the new data.

Showing the My Profile page with highlight of lock icon needed when changing the associated email address or username

Aside from toggling the above settings, you can also see what user groups you are in and edit your name and initials, time zone, and interface language.

Kindly note the time zone and language settings relate to your user only - other team members can use different interface languages and their local time zones.

My Profile is also where you can activate your API access, enable two-factor authentication, and change your password.