11 New Card Colors27 Feb 2012

Your kanban board can now be even more colorful: we have just added 11 new and fresh card colors. And our Kanban cards are now available in 22 colors! Visualizing your work with Kanban Tool has never been easier.

Custom Kanban Card Fields - New Features 23 Jan 2012

We have just released few, long awaited features. Now you can customize Kanban cards even further with dropdowns and date picker as custom fields: What's more, we have added some complementary improvements to "Analytics". You can now view a breakdown chart of custom fields:

Kanban in 4 easy steps reached over 50.000 views16 Jan 2012

Our presentation "Kanban in 4 easy steps" has just reached over 50.000 views, 36 favorites and 260 downloads. It has been awarded a Top Presentation of the Day and featured on SlideShare homepage. A must see. View on slideshare.com

A gift for Christmas 24 Dec 2011

We have prepared a small Christmas gift for all. Starting from today you can enforce the use of secure connection (HTTPS) when working with Kanban Tool. This is an account-level setting and will have effect for all users.
So if you store some state secrets, like current location of Santa Claus, you can enable this option to make sure all users are connecting with Kanban Tool in the most secure way possible.

All communication is encrypted with 256-bit key length, which is even stronger than the one currently used by Google, and even Santa can't break it to sniff your data.

Have a great Christmas!

Merry Christmas! 23 Dec 2011

We would like to thank you for using our solutions and wish you a joyful, merry and relaxing Christmas time.

API Bindings & Kanban presentation18 Dec 2011

We have recently published API Bindings for jQuery, which should help developers to interact with Kanban Tool from JavaScript. You can find them in our official GitHub repository on https://github.com/kanbantool/api.

We have also posted a short and (we hope) funny introduction to Kanban on SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/kanbantool/kanban-in-4-easy-steps

And finally, we have updated our API documentation with some examples of how to interact with Kanban Tool API directly from your browser: https://kanbantool.com/about/api#wrappers

API Update11 Dec 2011

We have added some new methods to our API, which will allow you to read recent board activity and interact with Comments and ToDo lists. They are explained on the freshly redesigned API documentation page.

We are also finishing works on the new API bindings for JavaScript which will allow you to build custom online solutions on top of the Kanban Tool platform.

New dashboard UI and updated system architecture11 Oct 2011

Over the weekend we have released a major update to our system architecture. This concludes over a month of work and preparations and creates a solid ground for future development and growth of Kanban Tool. We are now running on a cutting edge platform which provides better support for new browsers, improved performance and allows for ease of future development

Apart from tech changes we have greatly improved dashboard look and feel, which has been re-designed to be more modern, friendly and easy to use. Adding new team members is now also much faster and simpler - you can invite them directly from the sharing page.

Other areas which have been improved include:

  • - faster board loading times,
  • - new board cloning feature,
  • - more distinctive way of moving boards between folders,
  • - drag&drop placeholder for tasks,
  • - full support for drag&drop on iPad,
  • - and many other small tweaks which will make your work more efficient.

We would love to hear what you think about latest changes.
Your feedback is really valuable for us and influences the future development of Kanban Tool.

the Kanban Tool Team

Duplicating tasks and better iPad support14 Aug 2011

By a common request we have added a way to duplicate tasks. Duplication preserves all task attributes including subtasks, and creates an exact copy just below the original task. To try it, click on the new "Duplicate" entry in task context menu: Duplicating tasks in Kanban Tool

We have improved the experience for all iPad users. It's really amazing how intuitive dragging tasks with your finger is! We have also fixed few minor bugs with iPad version of Safari.

Another small tweak requested by many users was ability to move the opened card to see what's under it.
Just catch it at the top and drag anywhere you like:

As usual, if you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback.

Toolbar button for Google Chrome10 Jul 2011

We are happy to announce another goodie for Google Chrome users - a toolbar button which lets you add tasks to multiple boards without losing the stream of consciousness. It can be installed from here.

Also, some people reported problems when importing tasks with external IDs. This issue should be fixed now.

We are constantly improving our service to better meet your needs. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback.

External task IDs26 Jun 2011

By a common request, we have added an external identifier field for tasks. You can enable it on the "Board Settings" > "Card Template" page. kanban card template external ID

We are constantly improving our service to better meet your needs. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback.

A bunch of new features and Chrome app12 Jun 2011

We have slightly extended board analytics section so you can now get breakdowns filtered by card type: kanban analytics breakdown chart

CSV import file format is now being remembered between imports. This should be helpful when doing regular imports from the same source.

You can now specify the default task size in the card template editor: task size

We have added a new API method, listing users and permissions for given board.

And finally, for those who are using Google Chrome, we have prepared a dedicated application which can be installed in your browser and will act as a shortcut to your account:

We are constantly improving our service to better meet your needs. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback.

Full screen task description editor, direct links and notifications15 May 2011

Basing on your feedback we have implemented the full screen editor for task descriptions. You can now easily view and edit long task descriptions. To open it, simply click on the screen icon in the editor: full screen icon for cards card in a full screen view

As you might have noticed, from some time we also support direct task links. Once you open the task view, you can copy the URL and share it with others. kanban card unique urls

If you want to receive email notifications about tasks which are being assigned to you, you can now opt-in to them in the "My Info" » "Edit my details" section: email notifications for better team collaboration

We are constantly improving our tool to better meet your needs. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback.

Tasks import and SSL support20 Feb 2011

Basing on your feedback we have implemented the tasks import feature. You can use it to easily add many tasks in one go or import them directly from CSV/Excel file. The link is available in board "tools" menu: import to kanban board

Secure connections using SSL protocol are now also fully supported.
Simply change the http:// to https:// in your browser's address bar to activate it: secure kanban boards

We are constantly improving our online kanban boards to better meet your needs. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback. In next release we plan to focus on improvements to the email notifications and our systems architecture.

API and comment notifications13 Feb 2011

1. We are happy to announce first public beta of Kanban Tool API!
You can use it to push and pull information between Kanban Tool and your own applications, allowing to fully integrate it with your existing systems and workflow.
Preliminary API developer documentation is available on kanbantool.com/about/api. The full API will be rolled out in phases, basing on your feedback, with all changes being backward compatible.
For a limited time, the API is open to all users, but eventually any write access will be restricted to paid accounts only. Reading data from API will remain open for all account types.

So generate your unique API key on the "My Info" » "API access" page, and start tinkering :) API token

2. Email notifications for task comments
We have received a lot of suggestions about adding email notifications support to Kanban Tool.
So we have started with adding notifications for task comments:
comment notifications and plan to add notifications for other events in short future.

We hope you like the new features. We are constantly improving our online kanban boards to better meet your needs. In next release we plan to focus on the import feature and possibly more notifications.

Read-only access and more sharing options30 Jan 2011

A long awaited feature has been implemented - you can now fine tune kanban board access permissions for individual users:

Kanban Tool is becoming a paid service2 Jan 2011

In recent months Kanban Tool has been growing very rapidly, becoming one of the largest and most commonly recommended online kanban solutions. We are happy we could keep it free for so long, but in order to keep up with fast pace, we had to make this big decision:

We are excited to announce introduction of paid plans. Money from them will be used to provide even better user experience and to implement new features. They will come back to you with improved efficiency of your work, which we are sure to provide. The plans range from free to enterprise level, and the pricing is really great comparing to other offers on the market. As promised, we are also giving discounts to all existing users who have contributed to making Kanban Tool better.

If you are existing customer, please login to your account as administrator to get more details and upgrade instructions. You need to subscribe to one of the offered plans within 30 days.

Dynamic labels and other Christmas goodies5 Dec 2010

We have released a bunch of cool new features today:

  1. Export to calendar which allows you to view all tasks and due dates in your favorite organizer software
    (like Outlook, iCal, KOrganizer, Evolution and many other). calendar
  2. Dynamic floating labels which will help you to navigate across large boards.
    dynamic labels
  3. Swimlane name, card type and progress in excel export.
    export to csv
  4. New tools menu with export to calendar and subscribe to RSS feed links.
    tools menu

We have also finally fixed the issue with accented letters in excel export and made some other small improvements to make Kanban Tool even more friendly, reliable and easy to use.

New design of public pages29 Nov 2010

The new, updated look and feel of public pages is live. We hope you like it!

Organise your work using swimlanes4 Oct 2010

New release is live! You can now use horizontal swimlanes to organise your work:

swimlane workflow kanban board with swimlane

As usual, we've also made some other small improvements to make Kanban Tool even more friendly, reliable and easy to use.

Better support for touchscreens (iPhone/iPad/Android), due dates and external links12 Sep 2010

New release is live!
We have improved support for touchscreen devices. When you tap extended context menu will appear: card popup menu

Another improvement is addition of two card fields - "External link" and "Due date" - which can be enabled on "Settings"-> "Card Template" page. kanban card template due date on kanban card external link on card

If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback.

Custom Card Fields30 Aug 2010

Another bunch of new features is live!
You can now customize your cards even further - hide any unneeded fields and define up to five custom ones. Those options are available on board "Settings" -> "Card Template" page: custom field 1 custom field 2 custom field 3
We have also made some other minor changes:

  • archived tasks are no longer counted towards last column's limit,
  • improved usability of to-do lists,
  • collapsed board columns now display card count and limits.
As usual, we've also made some other small improvements to make Kanban Tool even more friendly, reliable and easy to use.

Cycle and Lead Times22 Aug 2010

Over the past month we have received many inquiries regarding the measurement of cycle time with Kanban Tool. It wasn't easy - you had to use Little's law to deduct it from Cumulative Flow chart.
But it's going to change now as we've added support for cycle/lead time calculations:

To-do lists for tasks9 Aug 2010

Ever missed the detailed to-do lists / subtasks for tasks? You will find them in the latest update!
From now on, you can easily define a to-do checklist for each of your tasks and track its progress: card to-do

Workflow templates and custom card types6 Jun 2010

In the latest update we have focused on two long awaited features.
From now on, you can choose from a set of workflow templates when creating new boards. What's more, you can duplicate the structure of any other boards you've created before: kanban board templates
A lot of people wanted to have more card types. Now you can create as many of them as you like! To make this even better, in the next week we will add a bit more card colors to choose from. kanban card types

We've also made some other minor improvements to make Kanban Tool even more friendly, reliable and easy to use. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by sending feedback..

Board tour and export to excel24 May 2010

The latest update adds a board tutorial and export to excel feature: actions pane kanban board tutorial

We have also fixed some bugs and did minor tweaks to other areas.

New release makes sharing even easier!8 May 2010

new online kanban boards task look
We have received a lot of questions about what are projects for and how to share Kanban Board with other people. Our initial idea was that you should group things by "projects" to which they belong and that you would only want to share "projects" and not the individual Kanban Boards.

This had caused a lot of confusion, so we've decided to simplify things a bit. To that end, we've dropped the notion of "projects" and replaced it with "folders". We hope this sounds more clear as the real purpose of projects was to group things up. What's more, you can now share any dashboard item, including Kanban Boards and Notes.

We've also made some other minor improvements to make Kanban Tool even more friendly, reliable and easy to use. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by .

Cool features in the latest release19 Apr 2010

An improved card view: new online kanban boards task look

More filters for breakdown charts and cumulative flow: cumulative flow for online kanban board

And a new "size" field on kanban cards, which should help you get the most from kanban board analytics in case your tasks require different level of effort to complete.

Latest release - summary of features10 Apr 2010

In the latest release we have added "account" tab in main navigation. It is visible only to account owners and has lots of goodies inside:

  • Account settings - view and modify your account settings (including name).
  • Usage report - get quick insight into some statistics about your account.
  • and probably the most exciting feature: CNAME domain alias support!
    Now you can access your Kanban Tool account directly from your own domain.

We hope you like the new features. We are constantly improving our free online Kanban tool to better meet your needs. In the next release we plan to focus on extending and improving kanban board analytics.

Latest release - summary of features28 Mar 2010

In the latest release made on Thursday we have added several useful features and improvements.
Below is a short summary of what has changed:

  • You can prioritize tasks. Each card will be marked with icon to indicate it's status:
  • You can click on a shortcut icon to get to the card comments tab, or hover mouse over it to see how many comments were made:
    kanban card comment
  • You can track all changes with the detailed board changelog. What's more, you can subscribe to it by RSS and also view each individual task history. You can find it in kanban board Analytics.
  • If you like working with Excel / Numbers, you will love the CSV export feature we have added to the archive and changelog pages.
  • We've also made some other minor improvements to make Kanban Tool even more friendly, reliable and easy to use. If you encounter any problems with the new features or have suggestions how to make Kanban Tool better, please let us know by .

Welcome to Kanban Tool blog25 Mar 2010

Kanban Tool blog

Welcome to our brand new blog! This is a perfect moment to share some positive statistics we've gathered so far. We are very proud to say that:

  • We have received tons of emails with suggestions and feedback
  • 94% of our customers ideas have been accepted for implementation
  • 72% of ideas and suggestions have already been implemented
  • 64% of received emails started from positive words about Kanban Tool.
    (Thank you! We really appreciate it.)
  • Every 2-3 weeks we try to update our online application to meet your needs.

Kanban Tool aims to be the easiest to use online tool for task and project management, both for team and personal use. We are going to use this blog to share with you the latest news, updates and tutorials. You can also find us on twitter and facebook.