Auto assign Power-Up21 Jul 2014

Do you work in a team that utilizes Kanban, Scrum or Scrumban method and in which everyone independently decides about job to be performed? If yes, our new power-up is for you! Auto assign power-up allows you to gain visibility over who is doing what in your team, without spending time on...

Web Attachments Power-Up has been released11 Jul 2014

From images on Flickr, notes on Evernote, to GitHub pull requests and documents stored on internal network, the new Web Attachments power-up allows you to easily attach anything to tasks. Even links to other cards can be attached to create simple dependencies. To get started, enable the...

8 Tips to get the most value out of Time Tracker26 Jun 2014

You got the feature, but having troubles figuring out how to use it efficiently? These few tips will guide you in the right direction to get the most value out of tracking time. Set up your columns! The beauty of our time tracker is that it will track time for you seamlessly. It...

10 challenges that Kanban Tool solves13 Jun 2014

Lack of organization Perhaps the most common problem most of us are facing. Visual approach to organization will allow you to stay on top of your tasks. Keep all your work data in one place including attachments and archives. Missed deadlines Deadline information visible at a...

Attach and work on files from Box20 May 2014

Box is now integrated with Kanban Tool. Our new power-up allows you to link files from your Box account to any task on your Kanban board. Now, all your work materials such as important documents, pictures, forms or worksheets are stored online in one place, ensuring maximum productivity and...

Kanban Tool introduces seamless Time Tracking16 Apr 2014

We have something big today. We are happy to introduce seamless Time Tracking! Why seamless? There is no extra clicking required to start your timers! Simply drag a task to your working column and the timer will start itself. You can work as usual with Kanban Tool and get insightful time reports...

Workflow stage notifications10 Mar 2014

Recently, we have presented you how to automatically copy tasks between different Kanban boards using Zapier. Today, we would like to show you another possibility - how to set up an email notification that is automatically send to your email address when a card is moved to a specified column....

How to link tasks between boards using Zapier20 Feb 2014

Did you know that you can automatically copy tasks between different Kanban boards using Zapier? Wondering how this can help you and your company to work faster? Lets say, you always notify your support department when tasks tagged as "important customer" are done. With Zapier, you can easily...

Attach files from SkyDrive11 Feb 2014

SkyDrive is another great file hosting service that Kanban Tool has integrated with to help you boost collaboration within your team. From now, you and your team members can upload files not only from computer, Google Drive and Dropbox, but also from SkyDrive! First, to be able to attach...

Collaborate on files from Google Drive and Dropbox28 Jan 2014

Do you feel lost in the pile of papers you have on your desk? Would you like to keep all your documents organized and stored at one place? Now you can! Attach your files from Dropbox and Google Drive to Kanban Tool cards and collaborate on them in real-time with other team members. Try out these...