What's the Best Way to Learn Something?04 Feb 2015
Ambition. Overrated? Overused? Abused? Promoting development or unhealthy? In order to get to anything (yes, anything at all) in life, you've got to learn. Anything you're going to want to do will require some skill or knowledge. What are the best ways to learn something then? Teach...
Top 4 Ways to Spend the First Hour of a Workday28 Jan 2015
Grab these clever ideas on making your day more productive, successful and satisfying. Applying most of them requires a minimum amount of effort, and the benefits can be very rewarding. Particularly, if it's the way you see your day and what you've achieved that is being improved! Make a...
Become More Productive by Learning just One Skill!21 Jan 2015
Say you could change your productivity in one easy step - what would it be? Being able to instantly tell the difference between what's important and what's urgent. It may seem simple when you think about it, but in the heat of work we do tend to get our focus misplaced sometimes. As humans, we...
Improve your Work with a Kanban Calendar!14 Jan 2015
Kanban is a very simple project management method, built on visualization of the process and limitation of the work in progress. It's popular to set the workflow in such a way that the visibility of tasks will be clearly aligned with a calendar view. A calendar driven Kanban board From...
8 Best Time-Saving Tips07 Jan 2015
1. Priorities Learn to tell the difference between what's important and what isn't, since the latter is just a waste of time, in the long run. 2. Action before procrastination Don't blow things out of proportion - if there is something that can be done in 5 minutes, do it right away, rather...
2014 in 5 features19 Dec 2014
As the year comes to an end, we are summing up Kanban Tool's growth. We are very happy to share with you the 5 best of this year's newly implemented Kanban Tool features. Time Tracking We've introduced seamless Time Tracking with Time Report, a function allowing to monitor the time, that is...
Christmas preparations with Kanban Tool16 Dec 2014
However enjoyable, Christmas can be a very stressful time. The number of things to prepare, plan for and organize is not a small one. If you're afraid that you'll forget your In-Law's present or that you'll end up with no hard candy for your nieces or that not a branch of mistletoe will turn up...
Change the order of your card information fields10 Dec 2014
We are continuously working to make Kanban Tool even more user-friendly and we've now made it possible to change around the order in which the information fields appear on your Kanban card. Here is what your default card look like: Now, just by going to Settings and Card Template, you can...
Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts!!28 Nov 2014
With holidays approaching and the big shopping season kicking in, Kanban Tool offers great discounts for new Kanban Tool users! Throughout the weekend - when registering for our service - you'll get 33% off for 3 months! And that's on top of the free trial. Make sure you take advantage of...
A Highly Productive Sprint18 Nov 2014
We all get pushed and pressed sometimes. Whether it's an impending deadline, more of an every week is too short kind of deal, or getting stuff done in advance because of going away for some time - we've all been known to get out act together and just get things done at an astounding pace (and...
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