Increase Board Readability with the Card Legend27 Jun 2017

It is now possible to have the names of the card types used on a board displayed below the board itself, along with their associated card colors. Especially useful if you're working on multiple boards and are having to remember what each color signals within which project. To start using this...

More Power in Your Hands: Task Summary12 Jun 2017

Power-Ups are what makes Kanban Tool able to go from a simple application to a complex system and we are happy to introduce yet another great addition to the mix: Task Summary. Task Summary Power-Up responds to the need of showing more information on a closed Kanban card. You can choose...

Agile and Innovation06 Jun 2017

According to recent research Agile can help innovation greatly, the idea has as many opponents as fans. Why the sharp split of opinion? Pros of using Agile for innovation: Time pressure as motivation Sometimes the very pressure of having to come up with something, whether it's an...

Postponed Tasks - New Power-Up Available!24 May 2017

In the spirit of strengthening your procrastination tendencies, an option to have a task postponed has just been added to Kanban Tool! :) Seriously, though - this is a fabulous way to de-clutter your board from tasks that you cannot get to work until a specific event takes place, or until...

Unforeseen Benefits of Agile11 May 2017

After a decade of Agile working - it is pretty clear what are the predominant benefits of applying the approach: clearer product development process, faster delivery, higher customer satisfaction, better project control, scope for efficient risk management, more overall flexibility and a...

Change Management: Focus on the People11 Apr 2017

Attempting to introduce new methods, policies or practices into an organization meets one, clear obstacle: resistance to change. Behaviour as natural for humans as breathing the air and very tricky to remove, due to the way our minds are wired to stray from the unknown and stick to once set ways....

Global Search has Arrived!09 Mar 2017

We are happy to introduce an all-powerful, comprehensive and quick global search functionality. As hinted by global - the function allows to search all of your Kanban boards and tasks at once. It is accessible from the same spot on every board. So no longer will you need to crack your head...

When "Must Go Agile" Is Just a Face of Deeper Issues?21 Feb 2017

Agile can be controversial - it has its clear enthusiasts and vivid mockers. What does not help the situation are groups of people who use a call to become Agile, as a cover-up for a number of other organizational problems. This can fuel a discouragement towards Agile methods and can depreciate...

Checklist Templates Are Now Available!06 Feb 2017

We've just added a great new Power-Up, with which you will be able to have a number of pre-set checklists. Thanks to this, you will be able to make your card creation even more swift and efficient. To try the Checklist Templates - just switch them on in board Settings - Power-Ups....

Agile for a Small Business17 Jan 2017

You'd think that small businesses are Agile by default, simply because of scale of their operation. But it's not necessarily the case, and more often than not, it will highly depend on the ideas that drive the business owners. Agile Manifesto underlines placing value in individuals over...