How to Improve One's Memory - don't Forget to Remember!24 Aug 2016
How many times have you surprised yourself finding out too late, that there was something you were meant to do - and didn't - that you earlier thought of as impossible to forget? For some people, experiencing this just once is enough to implement some sort of memory reinforcing device or...
Does Agile Work for Short-Term Projects Only?17 Aug 2016
We know Agile as an iterative approach to managing projects and change, based on building plans for short intervals only and hitting the reset button at their end to start again from scratch. Should this imply that long-term planning and management of large-scale projects is not possible with...
Project Management Challenges10 Aug 2016
Is choosing the right management method the biggest challenge of project management? Or is it spotting unreliable or otherwise failing team members? Maybe it's defining a path towards project success? Perhaps there are no challenges at all as PM mainly consists of overseeing other people's...
Turn your IDEAs into ITEMs with Kanban Tool02 Aug 2016
Attachments in Email Task Creation Are Now Available25 Jul 2016
Great news for all Kanban Tool users! It is now possible to attach files to the tasks that you create via email - all files will land nicely in the Attachments field of your card. Simply attach files to the email as you normally would. You can also add files to task comments, and these will get...
Why Do So Many Programmers Hate Agile?20 Jul 2016
When talking to programmers, it's not uncommon to notice a definite displeasure or see their eyes roll at the very mention of Agile. Have you ever wondered why? What is the cause of their automatic negativity at even the thought of Agile Development or Agile-related practice and method? Is it...
Agile Implementation Problems?12 Jul 2016
So, your Agile coach told you, that once you implement Agile, the team productivity will go through the roof, but you're struggling to see the result? Maybe it's taking a little longer than expected to get there, or maybe the environment you've created does not fit the new requirements.. what...
YES to Some Procrastination!05 Jul 2016
Once your team labels you a procrastinator, there seems to be no way out, nor a good way to regain your face as a productive worker. But truthfully, we cannot all be masters of concentration and determination - can we? Let's consider the positive sides of always putting things off for another...
Agile Tools and Approaches: Lean, XP, Scrum & Kanban 29 Jun 2016
You've heard of Agile and how much it can do to a project's success and to overall company efficiency. Now, you'd like to go ahead and test it in your own field of work. But unless you know what exactly you're looking for, it can be tricky to find the right approach straight away. Agile has been...
Does Agile Development Need Project Managers?08 Jun 2016
If organizing teamwork along the Agile method means self-organization into working groups, own task picking (pull model) and own task management - the questions of whether a manager for those teams is needed at all is indeed a valid one. While the core team are getting busy with planning,...
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