How to link tasks between boards using Zapier20 Feb 2014
Did you know that you can automatically copy tasks between different Kanban boards using Zapier?
Wondering how this can help you and your company to work faster?
Lets say, you always notify your support department when tasks tagged as "important customer" are done.
With Zapier, you can easily automate this. When you finish such task and move it to the "Done" column,
Zapier can automagically copy it to the "Customer support" board, letting the support staff know.
How to set an automatic flow of tasks between boards? It's easy. Simply follow the steps below.
- 1. Create a Zapier account. Log into your Kanban Tool account and while on Dashboard go to "My profile" tab, then "API access". Generate your API token and paste it on Zapier page.
- 2. Start creating your own Zap by choosing a trigger and action.
- 3. Select a Kanban Tool account (Trigger)
- 4. Select a Kanban Tool account (Action)
- 5. Filter Kanban Tool triggers
- 6. Match up fields on cards
- 7. Test this Zap - to see if it works properly
- 8. Name and turn this Zap on. Your Zap is ready!

Visit Kanban Tool Zapbook to explore more ideas on how to eliminate time-consuming actions. Automate work and improve productivity with Kanban Tool and Zapier! See also our other integrations.
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