
8 Tips to get the most value out of Time Tracker26 Jun 2014

You got the feature, but having troubles figuring out how to use it efficiently? These few tips will guide you in the right direction to get the most value out of tracking time.

  • Set up your columns! The beauty of our time tracker is that it will track time for you seamlessly. It simply follows your work flow and starts/stops timers accordingly with no additional actions required.
  • Do not abandon your board. Make sure to pull your cards and indicate which cards are you working on at the moment. Your time reports and other metrics will be highly inaccurate if you decide to pull all work at last minute.
  • Out of office work. You may add time entries manually when you were working on a task and haven't had chance to start it. Start a timer, press on a time entry, edit one of the entries from expanded list to reflect your real working hours.
  • Great performance indicator. Cross evaluate your working time on individual card colors or tagged cards to estimate how much time they will take in the future.
  • Bill by an hour? As a freelancer, accountant or any other service paid by hour, create your client cards and start your timers. Fill your client cards with useful information and use checklists for smaller tasks that count towards completion.
  • High complexity projects? They will often require a more complex work flow thus consider one board per project. You will be able to generate summary reports and detailed reports of your work.
  • No time entries? Scold your team and get them to use Kanban board. Having everyone on the same page is the key to successful Kanban workflow.
  • Time tracker panel – use the right-side time tracking panel for all your recent activities and tasks you will be working on. Do not let yourself get flooded with tasks that are not your priority. Eliminate waste and have a clear view of your recent work.

These simple tips will ensure that Time Tracking does not go to waste. The value comes from proper usage!

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