Kanban Tool provides an API, which makes it extremely easy for any developer to integrate external systems with our platform - adding their own layer of awesomeness on the top of the Kanban Tool.
Using the API, you can create your own useful plugins (created exactly to fit your needs), synchronize tasks with other platforms or even code a customized backup solution - anything you want!
Getting started
Obtaining your access token
To interact with the API, you need to have a unique, personal access token, which is used to authenticate yourself within the API.
To generate your access token, you should:
Click on the
My profile
tab in the main menu:Click on the
API access
link:Click on the
Enable API access
button to generate a new token:Note down your newly generated token - you are going to need it soon:
Accessing the API
Using cURL
An example using cURL:
$ curl ''
# or (whichever suits you best)
$ curl '' \
-H 'X-KanbanToolToken: YOUR_TOKEN'
cURL is a sophisticated library (and a command-line application) which lets you send HTTP requests directly from your command line - it is available out-of-the-box in many Linux distributions.
If you are familiar with working in the console environment, you should have no trouble using cURL.
Using your web browser
An example using a web browser:
Last but not least: you can fully interact with our API directly from your browser! No third-party software or any complex development tools are required.
Using other tools
There are also numerous other tools, which simplify the process of fiddling with our API - just to name a few:
Requests & Responses
The Kanban Tool API is built with REST in mind, providing a simple, human-readable interface.
Example requests
DELETE /api/v1/some_action.json
POST /api/v1/some_action.json
The _m
In case you have problem with using RESTful verbs, you can always pass the _m
parameter, which defines the method you
want to call:
GET /api/v1/some_action.json?_m=delete
The API supports returning data in json
, jsonp
and xml
formats. The response type is dependent on the extension
you pass:
GET /api/v1/some_action.json?parameter=value
GET /api/v1/some_action.json?callback=myFunction¶meter=value
GET /api/v1/some_action.xml?parameter=value
$ curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN'
To use our API, you must first obtain your own access token - from now on we're going to assume you already have one.
You can authenticate by passing your token in the Authorization
HTTP header (Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
Working with Boards
Listing accessible boards
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"board": {
"id": 123123,
"owner_id": 234234,
"account_id": 345345,
"folder_id": null,
"position": null,
"version": 5,
"name": "Hello",
"description": "Hello World!",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null,
"last_activity_on": "2018-01-01",
"settings_updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
/* ... */
"board": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of all the boards accessible by currently authenticated user.
GET /api/v1/boards.json
This command returns a list of board objects.
This command usually does not fail.
Fetching boards' details
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"board": {
"id": 100000,
"owner_id": 100000,
"account_id": 100000,
"folder_id": null,
"position": null,
"version": 5,
"name": "Hello",
"description": "Hello World!",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null,
"last_activity_on": "2018-01-01",
"settings_updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
/* ... */
"swimlanes": [
/* ... */
"workflow_stages": [
/* ... */
"card_types": [
/* ... */
This command returns detailed information about given board.
GET /api/v1/board/:board_id.json
This command returns a board object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Listing boards' users & permissions
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"shared_item_user": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"can_create_tasks": true,
"can_read_tasks": true,
"can_update_tasks": true,
"can_delete_tasks": true,
"can_move_tasks": true,
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"user": {
"id": 234234,
"name": "Foo Bar",
"initials": "FB",
"is_suspended": false
"shared_item_user": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of all the board's permissions related to given board.
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/users.json
This command returns a list of board's permission objects.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Listing boards' changelogs
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"changelog": {
"id": 123123,
"board_id": 234234,
"board_version": 5,
"user_id": 345345,
"swimlane_id": 456456,
"workflow_stage_id": 567567,
"changed_object_type": "Task",
"changed_object_id": 678678,
"changed_object_version": 2,
"what": "created",
"description": "FB added task 'Foo' to the board",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
/* ... */
"changelog": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of all the changelogs from given board.
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/changelog.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
from |
dateTime |
No | When present, returns only changelogs matching created_at >= :from . |
to |
dateTime |
No | When present, returns only changelogs matching created_at <= :to . |
user_id |
integer |
No | When present, returns only changelogs with matching user_id . |
before |
integer |
No | When present, returns only changelogs matching id < :before . |
after |
integer |
No | When present, returns only changelogs matching id > :after . |
offset |
integer |
No | Used to paginate the results. |
limit |
integer |
No | Used to paginate the results. |
This command returns a list of changelog objects.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when passedbefore
parameter is not a valid changelog's id.This command returns a
500 Internal Server Error
response when passedoffset
parameter is not valid (e.g. equal to-123
Working with Tasks
Listing tasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"id": 123123,
"board_id": 234234,
"swimlane_id": 345345,
"workflow_stage_id": 456456,
"card_type_id": 567567,
/* ... */
"position": 6,
"name": "foo bar zar api mar!",
"description": null,
"priority": 0,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
/* ... */
"id": 789789,
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of tasks from given board.
By the default, only non-archived tasks are returned - this behavior can be changed using the archived
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
archived |
integer |
No | When equal to 1 , returns only archived tasks. |
swimlane_id |
integer |
No | When present, returns only tasks with matching swimlane_id . |
workflow_stage_id |
integer |
No | When present, returns only tasks with matching workflow_stage_id . |
page |
integer |
No | Used to paginate the results - determines page number. |
per_page |
integer |
No | Used to paginate the results - determines number of tasks per page. |
This command returns a list of task objects.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Fetching tasks' details
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"task": {
"id": 123123,
"external_id": null,
"external_link": null,
"board_id": 234234,
"board_version": 30,
/* ... */
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null,
"archived_at": null,
"comments": [
/* ... */
"content": "Some comment",
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
"subtasks": [
/* ... */
"position": 1,
"name": "Teach XYZ how to use the Docker",
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
"changelogs": [
/* ... */
"what": "created",
"description": "FB added task 'Teach XYZ how to use the Docker' to the board",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns detailed information about given task.
To fetch a task, user must have can_read_tasks
permission on the task's
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id.json
This command returns a task object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Creating tasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'task[name]=Hello World!'
Example response:
"task": {
"id": 123123,
"board_id": 234234,
"swimlane_id": 345345,
"workflow_stage_id": 456456,
"card_type_id": 567567,
"position": 7,
"name": "Hello World!",
"description": null,
"priority": 0,
"created_at": "2018-02-27T09:52:34.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-02-27T09:52:34.000+01:00",
/* ... */
This command creates a new task on given board.
To create a task, user must have can_create_tasks
permission on the task's
POST /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Default value |
task[name] |
string |
Yes | - |
task[external_id] |
?integer |
No | null |
task[external_link] |
?string |
No | null |
task[swimlane_id] |
integer |
No | Swimlane with first position. |
task[workflow_stage_id] |
integer |
No | Workflow stage with first position. |
task[card_type_id] |
integer |
No | Card type marked as the default one. |
task[assigned_user_id] |
?integer |
No | null |
task[position] |
integer |
No | Next available position number (1, 2, 3 and so on) |
task[description] |
?string |
No | null |
task[priority] |
integer |
No | 0 (normal priority) |
task[due_date] |
?date |
No | null |
task[postponed_until] |
?date |
No | null |
task[size_estimate] |
float |
No | 1.0 |
task[time_estimate] |
?integer |
No | null |
task[custom_field_N] |
?string |
No | null |
This command returns a task object.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalid input (missingtask[name]
parameter, wrong format of some field and so on).
Updating tasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'task[name]=Hello, Modified World!'
Example response:
"task": {
"id": 123123,
"board_id": 234234,
"swimlane_id": 345345,
"workflow_stage_id": 456456,
"card_type_id": 567567,
"position": 7,
"name": "Hello, Modified World!",
"description": null,
"priority": 0,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
/* ... */
This commands updates a task.
To update a task, user must have can_update_tasks
permission on the task's
PUT /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id.json
Parameter | Type |
task[name] |
string |
task[external_id] |
?integer |
task[external_link] |
?string |
task[card_type_id] |
integer |
task[assigned_user_id] |
?integer |
task[description] |
?string |
task[priority] |
integer |
task[due_date] |
?date |
task[postponed_until] |
?date |
task[size_estimate] |
float |
task[time_estimate] |
?integer |
task[custom_field_N] |
?string |
This command returns a task object.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalid input (missingtask[name]
parameter, wrong format of some field and so on).
Moving tasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'direction=up'
Example response:
"task": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 5,
"name": "Sing: Java song, Java song...",
"is_completed": false,
"created_at": "2018-00-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-00-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
This command moves task in given direction or at given place.
To update a task, user must have can_move_tasks
permission on the task's
PUT /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/move.json
There are 2 ways to move the task: with using the direction
parameter (first table), or with swimlane_id
parameters (second table).
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
direction |
string |
Yes | Direction where the task should be moved. One of: up , down , prev_stage , next_stage , prev_swimlane , next_swimlane . |
override |
?string |
No | Reason for overriding the WIP limit, optional. |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
swimlane_id |
integer |
Yes (either one or both) | Swimlane to which task should be moved in to. |
workflow_stage_id |
integer |
Yes (either one or both) | Workflow stage to which task should be moved in to. |
position |
integer |
No | Position in column where task should be placed, counted from 1 . When left unspecified, task is appended onto the end of the column. |
override |
?string |
No | Reason for overriding the WIP limit, optional. |
This command returns a task object.
This command returns a
400 Bad Request
response when given an invalid input (invaliddirection
parameter value and so on).This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Archiving and unarchiving tasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"task": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 5,
"name": "Sing: Java song, Java song...",
"is_completed": false,
"created_at": "2018-00-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-00-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
This command makes it possible to archive & unarchive (restore) the tasks.
Only tasks being in archivable swimlanes can be archived.
PUT /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/archive.json
PUT /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/unarchive.json
This command returns a task object.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given task cannot be (un)archived (because e.g. it's in an unarchivable workflow stage).
Deleting tasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"task": {
"id": 123123,
"board_id": 234234,
"swimlane_id": 345345,
"workflow_stage_id": 456456,
"card_type_id": 567567,
"position": 7,
"name": "Hello World!",
"description": null,
"priority": 0,
"created_at": "2018-02-27T09:52:34.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-02-27T09:52:34.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": "2018-02-27T12:34:56.000+01:00",
/* ... */
This command deletes a task.
To delete a task, user must have can_delete_tasks
permission on the task's
DELETE /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id.json
This command returns a task object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Working with Subtasks
Listing subtasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"subtask": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 1,
"name": "Set up the development environment",
"is_completed": true,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
"subtask": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of subtasks which belong to given task.
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/subtasks.json
This command returns a list of subtask objects.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Fetching subtasks' details
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"subtask": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 1,
"name": "Set up the development environment",
"is_completed": true,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
This command returns detailed information about given subtask.
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/subtasks/:subtask_id.json
This command returns a subtask object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Creating subtasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'subtask[name]=Hello World!'
Example response:
"subtask": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 1,
"name": "Hello World!",
"is_completed": true,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
This command creates a new subtask in given task.
POST /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/subtasks.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Default value |
subtask[name] |
string |
Yes | - |
subtask[is_completed] |
boolean |
No | false |
subtask[assigned_user_id] |
?integer |
No | null |
This command returns a subtask object.
This command returns a
400 Bad Request
response when nosubtask
parameter is present in the request.This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalid input (missingsubtask[name]
parameter, wrong format of some field and so on).
Updating subtasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'subtask[name]=It is my new name!'
Example response:
"subtask": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 1,
"name": "It is my new name!",
"is_completed": true,
"created_at": "2018-00-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-00-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
This commands updates a subtask.
PUT /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/subtasks/:subtask_id.json
Parameter | Type |
subtask[name] |
string |
subtask[is_completed] |
boolean |
subtask[assigned_user_id] |
?integer |
This command returns a subtask object.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalid input (subtask[name]
parameter having invalid format and so on).
Reordering subtasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'order=123,72,333,666'
Example response:
"subtask": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 1,
"name": "Set up the development environment",
"is_completed": true,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null
"subtask": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This commands reorders (changes positions) of all the task's subtasks.
PUT /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/subtasks/reorder.json
Parameter | Type | Description |
order |
string |
Comma-separated ids of the subtasks in the new order. All subtasks must be specified. |
This command returns a list of subtask objects.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given not enough subtask ids (as described in the parameter's description).
Deleting subtasks
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"subtask": {
"id": 123123,
"task_id": 234234,
"task_version": 5,
"created_by_id": 345345,
"assigned_user_id": null,
"position": 1,
"name": "Set up the development environment",
"is_completed": true,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00"
This command deletes a subtask.
DELETE /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/subtasks/:subtask_id.json
This command returns a subtask object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Working with Comments
Listing comments
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"comment": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"commentable_version": 35,
"content": "Hello World!",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null,
"recipients": null,
"attachments": [
/* ... */
"comment": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of comments from task.
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/comments.json
This command returns a list of comment objects.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Fetching comments' details
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"comment": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"commentable_version": 35,
"content": "Hello World!",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null,
"recipients": null,
"attachments": [
/* ... */
This command returns detailed information about given comment.
GET /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/comments/:comment_id.json
This command returns a comment object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
Creating comments
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'comment[content]=Hello World!'
Example response:
"comment": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"commentable_version": 41,
"content": "Hello World!",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": null,
"recipients": null,
"attachments": [
/* ... */
This command creates a new comment bound to given task.
POST /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/comments.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Default value |
comment[content] |
string |
Yes | - |
This command returns a comment object.
This command returns a
400 Bad Request
response when nocomment
parameter is present in the request.This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalid input (missing or emptycomment[content]
Deleting comments
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"comment": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"commentable_version": 41,
"content": "Hello World!",
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"deleted_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"recipients": null,
"attachments": [
/* ... */
This command allows to remove the most recent comment from given task.
DELETE /api/v1/boards/:board_id/tasks/:task_id/comments/:comment_id.json
This command returns a comment object.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given comment is not the latest comment in the given task.
Working with Time Trackers
Listing time trackers for current user
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"time_tracker": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"board_id": 345345,
"task_id": 456456,
"sprint_id": 567567,
"position": 2,
"listed": true,
"seconds_from_resumed_sprint": 0,
"started_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"ended_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"highlighted_at": null,
"enlist_at": null,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00"
"time_tracker": {
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a list of time trackers related to currently authenticated user.
GET /api/v1/time_trackers.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
task_id |
integer |
No | When present, returns only time trackers with matching task_id . |
active |
integer |
No | When equal to 1 , returns only the running trackers. When equal to 0 , returns only the finished ones. |
listed |
integer |
No | When equal to 1 , returns only the trackers listed in the My work section. |
expand |
integer |
No | When equal to 1 , each tracker is enriched with additional data about associated objects (task). |
This command returns a list of time tracker objects.
This command usually does not fail.
Creating time trackers
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'time_tracker[board_id]=123123' \
-d 'time_tracker[task_id]=234234'
Example response:
"time_tracker": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"board_id": 345345,
"task_id": 456456,
"position": null,
"listed": true,
"seconds_from_resumed_sprint": 0,
"started_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"ended_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"highlighted_at": null,
"enlist_at": null,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00"
This command creates a new time tracker.
POST /api/v1/time_trackers.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Default value |
time_tracker[board_id] |
`integer | Yes | - |
time_tracker[task_id] |
`integer | Yes | - |
time_tracker[position] |
`?integer | No | 1 |
time_tracker[listed] |
`boolean | No | true |
time_tracker[started_at] |
`dateTime | No | current date and time |
time_tracker[ended_at] |
`?dateTime | No | null |
time_tracker[highlighted_at] |
`?dateTime | No | null |
This command returns a time tracker object.
This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidboard_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalid input (ended_at
in past, wrong format of some field and so on).This command returns a
500 Internal Server Error
response when notime_tracker
parameter is present in the request.
Updating time trackers
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'time_tracker[started_at]=...' \
-d 'time_tracker[ended_at]=...'
Example response:
"time_tracker": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"board_id": 345345,
"task_id": 456456,
"position": null,
"listed": true,
"seconds_from_resumed_sprint": 0,
"started_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"ended_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"highlighted_at": null,
"enlist_at": null,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00"
This commands updates a time tracker.
PUT /api/v1/time_trackers/:time_tracker_id.json
Parameter | Type |
time_tracker[position] |
?integer |
time_tracker[listed] |
boolean |
time_tracker[started_at] |
?dateTime |
time_tracker[ended_at] |
?dateTime |
time_tracker[highlighted_at] |
?dateTime |
This command returns a time tracker object.
This command returns a
400 Bad Request
response when notime_tracker
parameter is present in the request.This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidtime_tracker_id
.This command returns a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response when given an invalidstarted_at
date (e.g.ended_at
is in the past).
Deleting time trackers
Example code:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
Example response:
"time_tracker": {
"id": 123123,
"user_id": 234234,
"board_id": 345345,
"task_id": 456456,
"position": null,
"listed": true,
"seconds_from_resumed_sprint": 0,
"started_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"ended_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"highlighted_at": null,
"enlist_at": null,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000+01:00"
This commands deletes a time tracker.
DELETE /api/v1/time_trackers/:time_tracker_id.json
This command returns a time tracker object.
- This command returns a
404 Not Found
response when given an invalidtime_tracker_id
Working with Time Reporting
Generating time reports
Example code:
curl '' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
-d 'report_type=summary' \
-d 'board_id=123123' \
-d 'from=2018-03-01' \
-d 'to=2018-03-14' \
-d 'group_by=board_id'
Example response:
"summary": {
"123123": [
"date": "2018-01-01",
"duration": 12345
"date": "2018-01-02",
"duration": 12345
"date": "2018-01-03",
"duration": 12345
/* ... */
/* ... */
This command returns a summarized or detailed report about one's logged time.
GET /api/v1/time_report.json
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
report_type |
string |
Yes | Type of report to generate - one of: summary , detailed . |
board_id |
integer |
Yes | Id of board for which report should be generated. |
from |
date |
Yes | Date from which report should be generated; inclusive. |
to |
date |
Yes | Date to which report should be generated; inclusive. |
group_by |
string |
Yes | Field by which rows should be grouped when generating a summary report. One of: board_id , task_id , user_id , sprint_id . |
include_filter_options |
integer |
Yes | When equal to 1 , an additional filter_options structure is returned, which contains data facilitating filtering the report. |
expand |
integer |
Yes | When equal to 1 , JSONed data of the group-by object's data is used to construct array keys. Otherwise, group-by object's id is used. |
user_id |
integer |
No | Imposes a filter on the user. |
task_id |
integer |
No | Imposes a filter on the task. |
tasks.card_type_id |
integer |
No | Imposes a filter on the task's card type. |
tasks.tags |
string |
No | Imposes a filter on the task's tags. |
Response for a summary report
When generating a summary report, a list containing instances of following object is returned:
Field | Type | Description |
date |
date |
Date of the time log. |
duration |
integer |
Number of seconds logged on given object (defined by the group_by parameter). |
Response for a detailed report
When generating a detailed report, a list of time trackers is returned, with the task
Filter Options (returned object)
This structure describes all the objects by which report can be filtered:
Field | Type | Description |
user_id[].id |
integer |
User's id. |
user_id[].name |
string |
User's name. |
card_type_id[].id |
integer |
Card type's id. |
card_type_id[].name |
string |
Card type's name. |
card_type_id[].group_id |
integer |
Board's id. |
card_type_id[].group_name |
string |
Board's name. |
swimlane_id[].id |
integer |
Swimlane's id. |
swimlane_id[].name |
string |
Swimlane's name. |
swimlane_id[].group_id |
integer |
Board's id. |
swimlane_id[].group_name |
string |
Board's name. |
tags[] |
{id: integer, name: string} |
All possible tags which can be filtered. |
Generating a summarized report for given board
GET /api/v1/time_report.json?
Generating a summarized report for given board and user, with rows grouped by tasks
GET /api/v1/time_report.json?
Generating a detailed report for given board and task
GET /api/v1/time_report.json?
Types Reference
Our API utilizes following types:
Type | Description | Example |
boolean | true or false |
true |
date | date in Y-m-d format |
2018-02-20 |
dateTime | date in c format |
2018-02-20T09:18:15.000+01:0 |
float | a floating-point number with . used as the separator |
123.45 |
integer | a 32-bit signed integer | 12345678 |
string | an UTF-8 string of variadic length | Hello World! |
Objects Reference
Field availability
For optimization purposes, some commands return only a brief of object's data.
For example: when requesting /api/v1/boards.json
, you'll receive list of all the boards user has access to, but it
will not contain the board's tasks (since that'd yield a pretty huge object).
To annotate this fact, we've created an Available in
column in the objects references' tables, which denotes which
fields are available in which commands.
Board (object)
Note: If you look for a human-friendly definition of
, you should go to the board's definition.Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Available in | Description |
id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Board's unique identifier. |
owner_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the user who owns this board. |
account_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the account (subdomain) to which this board belongs. Not used anywhere in the API, so can be safely omitted. |
folder_id |
?integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the folder to which this board belongs, if any. |
position |
?integer |
listing, fetching | Board's position in the list of all the boards; counted from 1 . |
version |
integer |
listing, fetching | Board's version; counted from 1 . |
name |
string |
listing, fetching | Board's name. |
description |
string |
listing, fetching | Board's description. |
created_at |
dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when board was created. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when board was updated for the last time. |
deleted_at |
?dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when board was deleted - if it's been deleted. |
settings_updated_at |
?dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when board had its settings changed for the last time - if it had. |
last_activity_on |
date |
listing, fetching | Date of latest activity on the board (changing board's settings, updating board's tasks etc.). |
swimlanes |
Swimlane[] |
fetching | A list of all the swimlanes which belong to this board. |
workflow_stages |
WorkflowStage[] |
fetching | A list of all the workflow stages which belong to this board. |
card_types |
CardType[] |
fetching | A list fo all the card types which belong to this board. |
Board Permission (object)
Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Permission's unique identifier. |
user_id |
integer |
Id of user to whom permission applies to. |
user |
BoardPermission.User |
User to whom permission applies to. |
can_create_tasks |
boolean |
If equal to true , user can create tasks on given board. false otherwise. |
can_read_tasks |
boolean |
If equal to true , user can read tasks present on given board. false otherwise. |
can_update_tasks |
boolean |
If equal to true , user can update tasks on given board. false otherwise. |
can_delete_tasks |
boolean |
If equal to true , user can delete tasks from given board. false otherwise. |
can_move_tasks |
boolean |
If equal to true , user can move tasks in given board. false otherwise. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when permission was updated for the last time. |
BoardPermission.User (nested object)
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
User's unique identifier. |
name |
string |
User's full name (e.g. Foo Bar ). |
initials |
string |
User's initials (e.g. FB ). |
is_suspended |
boolean |
If equal to true , user is suspended - false otherwise. |
Card Type (object)
Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Card type's unique identifier. |
board_id |
integer |
Id of the board to which this card type belongs to. |
name |
string |
Card type's label; unique to the board. |
color_ref |
string |
Card type's color. See table below for reference. |
is_default |
boolean |
If equal to true , all future tasks created at given board will be set this card type by the default |
is_disabled |
boolean |
If equal to true , card type is marked as disabled. |
position |
integer |
Position of the card type in the board's card type list. Counted from 1 . |
color_attrs |
CardType.ColorAttrs |
Object describing card type's color. |
CardType.color_ref (field)
color_ref | CSS equivalent | Preview |
turquoise |
#00BCD4 |
light_blue |
#03A9F4 |
blue |
#2196F3 |
navy |
#3F51B5 |
violet |
#673AB7 |
fuchsia |
#9C27B0 |
pink |
#E91E63 |
strong_red |
#D83535 |
red |
#f44336 |
carrot |
#FF5722 |
orange |
#FF9800 |
sand |
#FFC107 |
yellow |
lemon |
#CDDC39 |
green_light |
#8BC34A |
green |
#4CAF50 |
green_dark |
#388E3C |
brown |
#795548 |
black |
#262626 |
gray_dark |
#595959 |
gray_medium |
#9E9E9E |
white |
#E8E8E8 |
CardType.ColorAttrs (nested object)
Field | Type | Description |
rgb |
string |
A hex value representing the color, prepended with a hash (e.g. #123456 ). |
position |
integer |
Position of the color on the colors' list. Counted from 1 . |
default |
boolean |
If equal to true , color is marked as the default one. By the default the yellow color is marked as such. |
Changelog (object)
Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
This object defines a single change made on a given object (a task or a subtask).
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Changelog's unique identifier. |
board_id |
integer |
Id of the board on which change has been made. |
board_version |
integer |
Version of the board at the time of the change. |
swimlane_id |
integer |
Id of the swimlane to which this changelog refers to. |
workflow_stage_id |
integer |
Id of the workflow stage to which this changelog refers to. |
user_id |
integer |
Id of the user who made this change. |
changed_object_type |
?string |
Changed object's type (e.g. Task ). May not be present when context is obvious (e.g. when fetching just the task's changelogs). |
changed_object_id |
integer |
Changed object's identifier (e.g. modified task's identifier). |
changed_object_version |
integer |
Changed object's version at the time of the change. |
what |
string |
Change's type (e.g. created ). See table below for reference. |
description |
string |
Change's description (e.g. XX added task 'yy' to the board ). |
data |
?object |
Additional data about the deleted object, optional. See table below for reference. |
created_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when this change was created. |
Changelog.what (field)
This field determines type of change that has been made. It contains one of these values:
- deleted
Meaning: task changed_object_id
has been deleted.
Value of the data
field: none.
- comment_deleted
Meaning: comment changed_object_id
has been deleted.
Value of the data
Field | Type | Description |
comment_id |
integer |
Id of the deleted comment. |
comment_content |
string |
Contents of that comment. |
task_id |
integer |
Id of the task the comment belongs to. |
task_external_id |
string |
External id of that task. |
task_name |
string |
Name of that task. |
swimlane_id |
integer |
Same as changelog.swimlane_id . |
swimlane_name |
string |
Name of that swimlane. |
workflow_stage_id |
integer |
Same as changelog.workflow_stage_id . |
workflow_stage_name |
string |
Name of that workflow stage. |
user_id |
integer |
Same as changelog.user_id . |
user_initials |
string |
Initials of that user. |
- subtask_checked
, subtask_unchecked
Meaning: subtask changed_object_id
has been checked or unchecked.
Value of the data
Field | Type | Description |
subtask_id |
integer |
Id of the (un)checked subtask. |
subtask_name |
string |
Name (contents) of that subtask. |
task_id |
integer |
Id of the task the subtask belongs to. |
task_external_id |
string |
External id of that task. |
task_name |
string |
Name of that task. |
swimlane_id |
integer |
Same as changelog.swimlane_id . |
swimlane_name |
string |
Name of that swimlane. |
workflow_stage_id |
integer |
Same as changelog.workflow_stage_id . |
workflow_stage_name |
string |
Name of that workflow stage. |
user_id |
integer |
Same as changelog.user_id . |
user_initials |
string |
Initials of that user. |
Comment (object)
Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
This object defines a single comment.
By the design, all comments can be only bound to tasks.
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Comment's unique identifier. |
user_id |
integer |
Id of the user who created this comment. |
commentable_version |
integer |
Version of the object, to which comment is bound, at the time of creating the comment. If the comment's bound to a task for example, this field contains that task's version. |
content |
string |
Comment's message. Markdown formatting is supported. |
recipients |
?string[] |
Comment's recipients, if any - e.g.: ['Foo Bar <123>', 'Asdf Asdf <312>'] . |
created_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when comment was created. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when comment was updated for the last time. |
deleted_at |
?dateTime |
Date & time when comment was deleted - if it's been deleted. |
attachments |
Comment.Attachment[] |
Comment's attachments. |
Comment.Attachment (nested object)
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Attachment's unique identifier. |
name |
string |
Attachment's file name (e.g. final-diagram-final-final-2018.png ). |
content_type |
string |
Attachment's MIME type (e.g. image/jpeg ). |
size |
integer |
Attachment's size, in bytes (e.g. 123321 ). |
url |
string |
Attachment's URL, relative to the account's domain (e.g. /system/attachments/sn9837gvn592/dskj123409fg.jpg ). |
created_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when attachment was created. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when attachment was updated for the last time. |
Subtask (object)
Note: If you look for a human-friendly definition of
, you should go to the task's definition.Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Subtask's unique identifier. |
task_id |
integer |
Id of the task this subtask belongs to. |
task_version |
integer |
Version of the task when this subtask was created. |
created_by_id |
integer |
Id of user who created this subtask. |
assigned_user_id |
?integer |
Id of user to whom the subtask has been assigned. |
position |
integer |
Subtask's position on the list. Counted from 1 . |
name |
string |
Subtask's name (description). |
is_completed |
boolean |
If equal to true , subtask has been marked as completed. |
created_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when subtask was created. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
Date & time when subtask was updated for the last time. |
deleted_at |
?dateTime |
Date & time when subtask was deleted - if it's been deleted. |
Swimlane (object)
Note: If you look for a human-friendly definition of
, you should go to the swimlane's definition.Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Swimlane's unique identifier. |
board_id |
integer |
Id of the board to which this swimlane belongs to. |
position |
integer |
Position of the swimlane in the board's view. Counted from 1 . |
name |
string |
Swimlane's name. |
description |
?string |
Swimlane's description; optional. |
limit |
?integer |
Maximum number of tasks which can be put in this swimlane; optional. |
Task (object)
Note: If you look for a human-friendly definition of
, you should go to the task's definition.Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Available in | Description |
id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Task's unique identifier. |
external_id |
?integer |
listing, fetching | Task's custom id; optional. Can be used to keep track of the task when synchronizing with other platforms. |
external_link |
?string |
listing, fetching | Task's custom url; optional. Can be used to keep track of the task when synchronizing with other platforms. |
board_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the board to which this task belongs to. |
board_version |
integer |
listing, fetching | Version of the board when this task was created at. |
swimlane_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the swimlane this task belongs to. |
workflow_stage_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the workflow stage this task belongs to. |
card_type_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of the card type this task belongs to. |
created_by_id |
integer |
listing, fetching | Id of user who created this task. |
assigned_user_id |
?integer |
listing, fetching | Id of user to which this task has been assigned; optional. |
assigned_user |
?Task.AssignedUser |
listing, fetching | Object describing the assigned user; optional. |
position |
integer |
listing, fetching | Position of the task in the card. Counted from 1 . |
name |
string |
listing, fetching | Task's name. |
description |
?string |
listing, fetching | Task's description; HTML tags allowed. |
priority |
integer |
listing, fetching | Task's priority. One of: -1 (low), 0 (normal) or 1 (high). |
tags |
string |
listing, fetching | Comma-separated list of tags associated with task. |
time_estimate |
?integer |
listing, fetching | Task's time estimate, measured in number of seconds; optional. |
size_estimate |
float |
listing, fetching | Task's difficulty as measured by a number; optional. Typically: 0.1 = relatively easy, 1.0 = moderately difficult, 5.0 = 5 times harder than an average task. |
due_date |
?date |
listing, fetching | Date to which the task is due; optional. |
postponed_until |
?date |
listing, fetching | Date to which the task has been postponed; optional. |
created_at |
dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when task was created. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when task was updated for the last time. |
archived_at |
?dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when task was archived - if it's been archived. |
deleted_at |
?dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when task was deleted - if it's been deleted. |
comments |
?Comment[] |
fetching | List of all the task's comments. |
comments_count |
integer |
listing, fetching | Number of the task's comments. |
timers_total |
?integer |
listing, fetching | Total number of seconds logged from the finished timers. Equal to null if no time has been logged yet. |
timers_total_updated_at |
?dateTime |
listing, fetching | Date & time when any of the task's timers was updated for the last time. Equal to null if no timer-related changes have been ever made. |
timers_active_count |
integer |
listing, fetching | Number of currently active (running) timers. |
timers_listed_count |
integer |
listing, fetching | Total number of timers associated with this task (but not necessarily active right now). |
subtasks |
?Subtask[] |
fetching | List of all the task's subtasks (checklist points). |
subtasks_count |
integer |
listing, fetching | Number of all the subtasks. |
subtasks_completed_count |
integer |
listing, fetching | Number of all the completed subtasks. |
attachments_count |
integer |
listing, fetching | Number of all the task's attachments. |
changelogs |
?Changelog[] |
fetching | List of all the task's changelogs. |
block_reason |
?string |
listing, fetching | If the Card block power-up is active, this field describes reason for blocking this task. Equal to null if task has not been blocked. |
recurring_schedule |
?Task.RecurringSchedule |
listing, fetching | If the Recurring tasks power-up is active, this field describes the recurring schedule data related to this task. |
custom_field_N |
?string |
listing, fetching | Task's custom fields; can contain arbitrary data related to e.g. synchronizing the tasks. |
Task.AssignedUser (nested object)
Field | Type | Description |
name |
string |
User's full name (e.g. Foo Bar ). |
initials |
string |
User's initials (e.g. FB ). |
Task.RecurringSchedule (nested object)
This section describes recurring schedule for a task when the Recurring tasks
power-up is active.
contains a string in form: [dateTime] + [JSON object]
, where:
describes the nearest date when task will be re-created,JSON object
describes the schedule itself.
Example recurring_schedule
Daily recurring schedule
Example: daily, on 12:30, every 3 days starting from 2018-01-01.
type = d
h = 12
m = 30
multi = 3
start = 2018-01-01
tz = Warsaw
Tasks can be scheduled to be created daily, at given hour and minute.
Field | Type | Description |
type |
string |
Describes the schedule's type. Equal to d when dealing with daily recurring schedule. |
h |
integer |
Hour at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
m |
integer |
Minute at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
multi |
integer |
Tasks will be created every multi day(s) starting from given start date (e.g. value 3 means that schedule will be applied every 3 days). |
start |
date |
Tasks will be created every multi day(s) starting from given start date (e.g. value 2018-01-01 means that schedule will begin to be applied from 2018-01-01 ). |
tz |
string |
Timezone, e.g.: Warsaw . |
Weekly recurring schedule
Example: weekly, on 12:30, at every Monday and Friday.
type = w
h = 12
m = 30
wd_0 = 0
wd_1 = 1
wd_2 = 0
wd_3 = 0
wd_4 = 0
wd_5 = 1
wd_6 = 0
tz = Warsaw
Tasks can be scheduled to be created weekly, at each given day of week, hour and minute.
Field | Type | Description |
type |
string |
Describes the schedule's type. Equal to w when dealing with weekly recurring schedule. |
h |
integer |
Hour at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
m |
integer |
Minute at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
wd_0 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Sundays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
wd_1 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Mondays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
wd_2 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Tuesdays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
wd_3 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Wednesdays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
wd_4 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Thursdays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
wd_5 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Fridays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
wd_6 |
integer |
If equal to 1 , schedule is enabled for Saturdays - equal to 0 otherwise. |
tz |
string |
Timezone, e.g.: Warsaw . |
Monthly recurring schedule
Example: monthly, on 12:30, at every first, fifth and tenth day of each month.
type = m
h = 12
m = 30
days = 1,5,10
tz = Warsaw
Tasks can be scheduled to be created monthly, at each given day of month, hour and minute.
Field | Type | Description |
type |
string |
Describes the schedule's type. Equal to m when dealing with monthly recurring schedule. |
h |
integer |
Hour at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
m |
integer |
Minute at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
days |
string |
Comma-separated days at which tasks should be created. E.g. 1,5,10 for first, fifth and tenth day of each month. |
tz |
string |
Timezone, e.g.: Warsaw . |
Custom recurring schedule
Example: custom, on 12:30, at 2018-01-01, 2018-02-03, 2018-09-12.
type = c
h = 12
m = 30
days = 2018-01-01,2018-02-03,2018-09-12
tz = Warsaw
Field | Type | Description |
type |
string |
Describes the schedule's type. Equal to c when dealing with custom recurring schedule. |
h |
integer |
Hour at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
m |
integer |
Minute at which schedule's tasks should be created. |
dates |
string |
Comma-separated dates at which tasks should be created. E.g. 2018-01-01,2018-02-03,2018-09-12 etc. |
tz |
string |
Timezone, e.g.: Warsaw . |
Time Tracker (object)
Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Note: For the
expanded listing
explanation, take a look into the listing'sexpanded
Field | Type | Available in | Description |
id |
integer |
listing | Time tracker's unique identifier. |
user_id |
integer |
listing | Id of the user who created this tracker. |
board_id |
integer |
listing | Id of the board this tracker belongs to. |
task_id |
integer |
listing | Id of the task this tracker belongs to. |
task |
TimeTracker.Task |
expanded listing | Data of the task this tracker belongs to. |
sprint_id |
integer |
listing | Id of the sprint to which this tracker is bound. |
position |
?integer |
listing | Position of the tracker in the My work section. Counted from 1 . |
listed |
boolean |
listing | Equal to true , if tracker is visible in the list of all the trackers in the side panel of the board. |
started_at |
dateTime |
listing | Date & time when tracker was started. |
ended_at |
?dateTime |
listing | Date & time when tracker was stopped (null for running timers). |
highlighted_at |
?dateTime |
listing | Each tracker is bound to a task - when that task changes, this field is also updated to reflect that time tracker's task need to be seen by the user. In the My work section, such trackers are highlighted - hence the name. |
created_at |
dateTime |
listing | Date & time when tracker was created. |
updated_at |
dateTime |
listing | Date & time when tracker was updated for the last time. |
TimeTracker.Task (nested object)
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Task's unique identifier. |
board_id |
integer |
Id of the board this task belongs to. |
card_type_id |
integer |
Id of the card type this task has. |
card_color_in_rgb |
string |
A hex value representing the color, prepended with a hash (e.g. #123456 ). |
name |
string |
Task's name. |
tags |
string |
Comma-separated list of tags associated with task. |
priority |
integer |
Task's priority. One of: -1 (low), 0 (normal) or 1 (high). |
due_date |
?dateTime |
Task's due to date, optional. |
archived_at |
?dateTime |
Task's archiving date, optional. |
Workflow Stage (object)
Note: If you look for a human-friendly definition of
workflow stage
, you should go to the workflow stage's definition.Note: XML responses use dashes in place of the underscores.
Field | Type | Description |
id |
integer |
Workflow stage's unique identifier. |
board_id |
integer |
Id of the board to which this workflow stage belongs to. |
board_version |
integer |
Version of the board at the time of workflow stage's creation. |
parent_id |
?integer |
Id of the workflow stage's parent - used to construct a hierarchy of workflow stages. |
lft |
integer |
Used to construct a hierarchy of workflow stages ( |
rgt |
integer |
Used to construct a hierarchy of workflow stages ( |
position |
integer |
Position of the workflow stage on the board. |
name |
string |
Workflow stage's name (To do , In progress etc.). |
description |
?string |
Workflow stage's description, optional. |
wip_limit |
?integer |
Maximum number of the WIP indicator value which can be put in this workflow stage. Equal to null if no limit should be imposed. |
wip_limit_type |
?string |
Type of indicator for the WIP limit. See below for reference.. |
lane_type_id |
?integer |
Type of workflow stage's line. One of: 1 (Backlog / Inventory ), 2 (Queue / Waiting ), 3 (In Progress ), 4 (Done ) or null . |
lane_type |
?string |
(read-only) If lane_type_id is set, this field contains a string representation of the lane_type_id value. One of: backlog_inventory , waiting , in_progress , done or null . |
lane_width |
integer |
Number of cards per each row of the lane (e.g. value of 2 means that when rendering this workflow stage, two cards should be placed next to each other, the next two should be in a new row etc.). |
archive_enabled |
boolean |
If equal to true , tasks being in this stage can be archived. Usually set to true for final stages (like Done ). |
WorkflowStage.wip_limit_type (field)
The wip_limit_type
accepts null
or one of these values:
wip_limit_type | Description |
tasks_count |
Number of tasks bound to this workflow stage. |
tasks_size |
Sum of tasks' difficulty points. |
time_estimate |
Sum of tasks' estimated hours. |
assignments |
Number of tasks per user. |
Since some concepts used when talking about kanban boards are not necessarily obvious, we've prepared a few descriptions accompanied with screenshots to help you understand our tool better.
Board (definition)
Note: If you look for a programmer-friendly definition of
, you should go to the board's object reference.
Board is a fundamental piece of the Kanban Tool - this is where all the magic happens.
Board consists of:
- workflow stages, which group tasks horizontally into statuses,
- swimlanes, which group tasks vertically into e.g. teams,
- tasks.
An example board can look like:
You can see here:
- 7 workflow stages:
To do
),In progress
, - 2 swimlanes (
Team A
,Team B
), - 8 tasks.
Swimlane (definition)
Note: If you look for a programmer-friendly definition of
, you should go to the swimlane's object reference.
Swimlanes are used to group tasks vertically - for example to easily distribute work against many teams:
Each board has its own set of swimlanes, which can be altered in any way you like.
Task (definition)
Note: If you look for a programmer-friendly definition of
, you should go to the task's object reference.
Task is a note, which belongs to a certain board, swimlane and a workflow stage.
Task is also defined by its:
- title,
- description,
- attachments,
- card type,
- priority,
- due date,
- assigned user.
Additionally, each task can contain from zero to a lots of subtasks - the task presented above has 4 of them.
Workflow Stage (definition)
Note: If you look for a programmer-friendly definition of
workflow stage
, you should go to the workflow stage's object reference.
Workflow stage determines the status of your task - it can be In progress
, Done
and so on:
Each board has its own set of workflow stages, which can be altered in any way you like.
Moreover - workflow stages can be 'stacked' on top of each other, creating a hierarchy: