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Kanban Tool Developer's Guide

API Documentation

If you want to integrate Kanban Tool with other application or system.

SDK Documentation

If you want to customize the Kanban Tool's interface.


If you want to write your own
extension or Power-Up.

What's the difference between API, SDK and DevKit?

  • API works on our server - it allows one to access the Kanban Tool's data from any other application or script. By using the API you may, for instance, create tasks and comments without manually logging in and doing it by hand, or synchronize tasks with your internal systems.
  • SDK on the other hand, works in user's web browser - it allows to alter behavior of the Kanban Tool's interface. By using the SDK you may, for instance, add custom buttons to context menus or change default styles.
  • DevKit is a ready made scaffold code which you can use to write your own extensions and power-ups. We host it on GitHub, so you can easily fork the repository and start coding.

What's the difference between API v1 and API v3?

API v3 is the new version of our API, and it is used internally by the SDK. Both versions are actively supported, and the main differences are:

  • API v3 can only return data in JSON format, while API v1 supports both XML and JSON,
  • API v3 allows for more operations - i.e. adding attachments to tasks,
  • with API v3 you can modify multiple tasks at once,
  • API v1 is more resource oriented (i.e. /api/v1/boards/123/tasks/234/comments), while API v3 has a flat namespace, and associated objects are usually returned within a single response (/api/v3/boards/123 contains information about all associated tasks).
Take a look at documentation for each of the APIs and choose the one which suites you best.

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