
Five Principles of Kanban Boards12 Jun 2015

Did you find yourself wondering why should you introduce new approaches for managing your work load? Let's start with the basic concept of visual management which is simply a visual representation of your work flow and business processes. The practice of visual management allows for managing work, understanding system and following set directions.

It sounds really promising, but why would I use visual cues? Visual management is a clear and simple way to organize and present information. The visual signals allow for transparency over your processes, easy access to your work items and quick overview of the processes.

Kanban board is nothing else, but a visual management environment for your work flow. The visual cues are presented in form of Kanban cards that are easily readable and contain more detailed information upon opening. These can be easily followed on your Kanban board which structure reflects the stages each work item goes through.

Kanban board

The big five:

  1. Simple – It can't get more intuitive than Kanban board, work items are organized in structured manner and allow for smooth navigation.
  2. Accessible – Whether you are using a whiteboard or digital Kanban everyone will have access to information at a glance.
  3. Visible – Nothing speaks more than visual cues. Easily identify items and see how the work progresses.
  4. Current – Tasks and projects broken down into visual items will let you see how the work progresses daily.
  5. Standardized – Everyone follows the same efficient work flow.

If you are ready for a drastic change with lots of benefits you should try Kanban boards yourself. Introduce visual management to your team and allow for collaboration on your new platform. Once you experience the possibilities and see the benefits you will need no further convincing.

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